Peg loves to draw! All of her students learn to draw with her unique learning styles approach.

“The Sunflower Project”, multi-media, clay, wire, beads, foam and paint. Fifth graders created 90 sunflowers to decorate their school. Artist-in-Residence supported by Arts Longmont Grant, 2014.

” Rainbow Wire Quilts “, 26′ x 4′ fabric covered soundboards, colored wire, beads, buttons. 130 Legacy Summer Campers and Staff created this decorative quilt for their school cafeteria. Artist-in-Residence supported by Lion`s Den, Community Schools, 2014.

“Peace Cranes”, origami paper and strings. Legacy third graders studied the arts and culture of Asia. The rainbow of colored peace cranes adorns the back entry way of the school. They twirl and spin when the AC or heat comes on. Guided by Peg Hilliard, art teacher, 2010.

 “The Butterfly Project”, clay, colored wire and glass beads. Niwot 5th graders created these whimsical treasures to decorate the Garden Arbor in the back of their school. Funded by the Niwot PTO. Peg Hilliard, Artist-in-Residence, Fall and Spring of 2016-17.

“Self-Portraits”, photos, markers and frames. Legacy 5th graders used the concepts of contrast, line, shape and pattern to create these sophisticated portraits of themselves. The frames provide a strong and finished look to these wonderful drawings. Funded by a mini-grant from Arts Longmont and Legacy Art Department. Peg Hilliard, Artist-in-Residence, Spring 2016.


There are many simple and fun techniques in watercolor that can be utilized by beginning students. Relaxing and beautiful to look at.


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